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4 Tips to Help You Hire a Home Expert

Chances are in the lifetime of owning a home, there has been a task, update or maintenance that you have hired an expert to complete. Chances also are that it may not have gone exactly as you hoped. There are a few things you can do ahead of time to ensure that expectations are met and needs are communicated clearly when you hire a home expert.

Read on below for a few tips to ensure hiring a home expert is an easy and pain-free experience!

Background Check

Researching tradespeople and companies is easier than ever – almost everyone has a blog or website to review. Reviews are almost always posted online as well. Websites such as make it easy to search for local trades in your area. Blogs also highlight images of past work as well as past client reviews. Doing some upfront research will help you to narrow down the vast amount of resources based on reviews and craftsmanship.

Licensing & Speciality

Ensure the tradesperson is licensed for their specific trade. If anything were to go sideways, it always helps when that person is responsible for the trade or organization.

Choosing a contractor who specializes in a specific trade or skill guarantees a better final result. While hiring a general contractor may be appealing, chances are they are familiar with all areas of work, but not experts in any one specific trade. This may sometimes lead to less than perfect results

Contracts & Agreements

While getting everything in writing may seem awkward, it is the only way to ensure both parties are on the same page and there is no potential for miscommunications. Make sure expectations and tasks are clearly stated and signed on the dotted line. A fee schedule can also be a great way of ensuring everyone gets paid properly and on time for staged or phased work.

Go With Your Gut

Lastly, you will be spending a fair amount of time working and communicating with this person over the next few days, weeks or months. Make sure it is someone you enjoy speaking to and working with. Building a lasting relationship with a tradesperson will ensure quality, reliable work for years to come!

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