Lamont's Friends and Family Referral Program. View offer here.

How to Gift the Perfect Present

Figuring out the perfect gift for that special someone on your list can seem daunting unless that person so thoughtfully (and conveniently) wrote a wish list to Santa detailing every item. Read on for the easiest ways on how to gift the perfect present this holiday season. Hint: It isn’t always something that money can buy.

Be All Ears

Determining the perfect present doesn’t always mean outright asking what a person wants. Think about this individual and start making a list – Have they been on a recent trip, or perhaps have some travel coming up? What is their favourite way to spend a Friday night? What is your favourite memory with this person…can this somehow be captured in a gift? Thinking of some fun questions and answers that are out of the box just may lead you down the right path to nailing that awesome present.

Also, don’t just start thinking about it one month before the big day. Keep those ears perked all year round for suggestions. Remember when your friend mentioned a cookbook they’d love to try after you visited the restaurant together? Chances are those around you have mentioned something in passing the past year that they would never think to purchase for themselves, but would be delighted to find that something under the tree.


The best gifts aren’t always “things” – why not try gifting experiences this holiday season? Items like an ice skating day, zoo pass, dogsled experience in the mountains, or even a monthly wine club with friends, are fun, reoccurring experiences that will build memories for years to come.

The Best Gift of All

And here is the most generous and least expensive gift of all: Your time. Focusing your time and sole attention to those around you shows true love and is always appreciated.

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