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Easy Ways to Keep Your House Spotless

Most of us, when we think of moving into our dream home in Alberta, picture a space that is warm, inviting, and meticulously cleaned all at the same time. The reality of day-to-day life, though, means that our houses don’t always live up to the standard.

It’s easier to keep your home in great shape, not to mention keep hold of your peace of mind, when things are orderly and tidy. But how do you make that happen when you’ve got work, school, kids, and other obligations to deal with?

We are glad you asked — because we have a handful of proven tips to share that can help you keep your house spotless, or at least close to it, every day:

Call the Pros

Professional cleaning companies can make your life much easier in a couple of ways. For one thing, they can step in and deep-clean your home if it hasn’t been scrubbed in a while, when you have guests or family members coming to stay, or following the big event (like a party). For another thing, you can probably have them come at regular intervals (like once a month) for less money than you think and have them get to all the corners and surfaces you don’t normally reach.

Keep the Supplies on Hand

Let’s face it: a lot of us don’t clean as much as we might plan to because of simple procrastination. One of the best ways to fight the impulse to put it off is to simply have the right materials on hand at all times. Cleaning seems like a lot bigger job when you constantly have to run to the store for things like spray or paper towels, so keeping them stocked in a utility room is a great way to encourage yourself to stay on top of these jobs.

Invest in Organizing Materials

In the same way, a lot of homes become disorganized simply because there are lots of items that don’t really have a place where they belong. As a result, they’re never put away at all, or find themselves in different shelves or corners every week. When everything in your home has a place, cleaning is simpler and straightforward because you don’t have to think about what you’re doing – you aren’t organizing, you’re just straightening up. If you have lots of things that are constantly getting in the way, consider investing in some new shelves, hooks, and other organizing materials so they’ll have a permanent place to stay.

Make Cleaning a Small Job

Cleaning a home thoroughly often seems like an overwhelming task, but that’s usually because we do it all at once. A better and more manageable way is to straighten up a little bit each evening or afternoon, and to keep the calendar with bigger jobs (like cleaning the oven) being tackled at regular intervals. With this kind of system, you’re never doing more than 15 or 30 minutes of cleaning work at once. That might still be a minor hassle, but it’s not nearly as aggravating as writing off a whole day just to deal with overdue chores around the house.

Feel the Calm

As much as most of us hate having to set aside time to clean and organize, we all love the feeling of a clean, organized home. Once you get into the habit of putting things away and straightening up a little bit at a time, you may find that you enjoy being in your home that much more. You’ll soon discover that the calm feeling you get around your house is worth it, and that’s the key to adopting these tips in the long term.

You don’t have to be obsessive about cleaning to enjoy the great, calming feeling that comes with knowing that everything is in its place. Just follow these tips until they become habits and then learn to love the fact that you don’t have to stress out about finding a mess when you walk in through the front door.

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