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Break Old Habits and Create New Ones

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, following the same routines and habits. The start of the New Year is the perfect time to sit down and take stock of these habits and figuring out what is serving you and what is not. Read on for a few simple tips to break old habits and create new ones.

      • Choose a place and time of day with minimal distractions, dedicating at least a half-hour to yourself. Start by thinking through your day-to-day routines and quickly jot them down.
      • Identify areas of improvement.
      • Ask yourself what your most common excuse is. Change your narrative.

    Real life Example: “I have no time to work out”. Really? Look at your day and identify commitments that don’t serve you, your health or your happiness and swap them for a quick gym date. Or create tiny pockets of time throughout your day to sneak in some exercise – a quick dog walk, squats with your toddler on your back (they will think this is hilarious!) or walking around the building at your work a few times over the lunch break.

      • Having trouble identifying what needs to change? Ask a loved one.
      • Focus on an area of improvement that has a snowball effect.

    Real life example: Meal planning every Sunday by selecting recipes for the week ahead of time, grocery shopping and prepping ingredients not only saves you money, it saves you time in the long run and creates a healthier diet. No more rushed late night Skip the Dishes orders!

      • Be realistic. Change doesn’t happen overnight.
      • Be accountable – Get others involved! Let them know your plans. Let them hold you accountable as well.
      • Create timelines for each goal. You are more likely to succeed if you have a realistic benchmark in place instead of 365 days to change something.